Monday, April 2, 2007

The power to forget

Today, I God told me to open the door of my mind, I resisted.
Lately, I regret because I denied God for keeping some achievements. I denied real achievement!
There is always a voice in my mind, it's not God, it's desire to be perfect (to follow the standard and law).
Any voices that command you to sacrifice are God.
Any voices which menace you for its purpose and desire - are your's.

A long time ago I thought that love was something that you reserved for some special set of people that you had judged worthy of it.

After a while I got to thinking about what Jesus had said about turning the other cheek and loving our neighbor I put the two together and realized that he had made no exceptions in these statements. It became obvious to me that he intended that we exclude no one from the love that we are supposed to be giving. I started thinking about my idea of love and suddenly realized that I had not been loving anyone at all. I had simply been judging everyone and every thing.

Judging someone worthy of love is not love, it is only judgment. I actually started to cry when I realized this. I saw just how much of my life I had wasted being judgmental, thinking of myself as a Christian, when I was actually doing just the opposite of what Jesus had asked us to do.

I thought about the verse judge not lest ye be judged, and I understood it for the first time.

I realized that I have a lot of catching up to do. So many opportunities were wasted. I now try to apply the love that I have for the world in a universal way like Jesus asks us to do.

If I start to feel afraid and think that I see someone that I should not love because of something I have thought or heard I try to catch my mistake as soon as possible. I tell myself that I have forgot the truth and have fallen for the same old trick that had cost me so many opportunities to be loving in the past. The horror of this realization is often all that is necessary to bring me back to my senses and make me drop the judgmental nonsense I was thinking.

I still have a lot to learn about love, but at least I’m making progress.

Love and blessings

Your brother
8 minutes ago - Report Abuse



love over money... love makes you feel like a million dollars.
8 minutes ago - Report Abuse


passing time in lust, I can't be creative. I receive too much, too selfish: despite my conviction, the feelings of distrust still here, though a little weaker. I give a solemn : be creativity.
I never feel sad, because I know how to fill my self. I means not "I can", but "I can't, other can". The one who can - will take responsability of my well-being.
I will sleep, creativity will guide a body.

I felt imperfection -> I am unsatisfied, I can't be efficient.
I am a company. I am not fearful of what will happen, for I am the spirit of all body. I forgot a theory that will liberate me. There is no danger, only disobedience.
The desire of completeness, the self is just a laptop.
We are atoms, we possess the proprieties of a "mass of atoms": atoms move according to magnetism and forces.
"Help me to become Gennius": thus I told the gods. I wonder if I am something in this vibrational state of atoms (we are atoms). I am the loop that calls itself "conscious".
I don't want to deal with unsatisfied things: writing what I know already.
The self is a collection of tastes, you should change your taste naturally faster than "naturally".
Hupothesis: because of getting used to become better by discovering the Web, I don't feel about the others. Why don't I want others to be better, while they are like me?
The ignorance due to being deluted by worldly phenomena (society, other self, meaning of money/time) - is the cause of selfishness which lead to stupidity.
I really want to break my resistant head, it's not mine. I am in delusion bc of education.

Making mistake, and realize it after is normal. I thought that Java is not installed, I downloaded just to realize that it's already there.
Losing lot of time on chess, I don't really learn nor be creative.
When I think about being a good programmer, I think about "them". I decided to work despite aversion (a name for all things related to this issue of "fear of creativity"). I know that life won't be sweet, but I am creativity, bodies are expression of mine.
Still the unfavorable feeling, why fearing or do not want people to be better? Too selfish, I am not that.
Creativity is the power to be enthusiast, I need to make good programs like: readplease.
I lost time on re-creating the chess table, there is something not me which drive the body, I am curious to know the reason (maybe: to check for problem).

I still hate and don't want my siter to be better, that's why I don't want myself to be better.
I affirm that the dog is not selfish, a voice which is others' protest that the dog also hates others. I don't want to be uncreative, it's not me.

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nd2 Nf6 4. Bd3 c5 5. e5 Nfd7 6. c3 Nc6 7. Ne2 Qb6 8.
Nf3 cxd4 9. cxd4 f6 10. exf6 Nxf6 11. O-O Bd6 12. Bg5 Qxb2 13. Rb1 Qa3 14.
Bxf6 gxf6 15. Qd2 O-O 16. Rb3 Qa5 17. Qb2 Nb4 18. Bb1 Nc6 19. Bd3 Nb4 20.
Bb1 Nc6 21. Rc1 e5 22. Rb5 Qa6 23. Re1 e4 24. Rxd5 exf3 25. Rxd6 fxe2 26.
Rxe2 Qc4 27. a3 Kg7 28. Re3 Kh8 29. Be4 Qf7 30. Bxc6 bxc6 31. Rxc6 Bb7 32.
Rce6 Rab8 33. Re7 Qh5 34. Qe2 Qg6 35. f3 Rfc8 36. Qf1 Bd5 37. Rxa7 Rb1 38.
Re1 Rxe1 39. Qxe1 Bxf3 40. g3 Qg4 41. Qd2 Qe4 42. h4 Qb1+ 43. Kf2 Bh1 44.
Ke2 Qf5 45. Qe3 Qc2+ 46. Ke1 Qb1+ 47. Ke2 Rc2+ 48. Qd2 Bg2 49. Rxh7+ Kxh7
50. Qxc2+ Qxc2+ 51. Ke3 Qc3+ 52. Ke2 Bf3+ 53. Kf2 Bg4 54. Kg1 Qf3 55. a4
Bh3 56. Kh2 Qg2#

If you need to choose, then don't choose. You need to be healthy and creative: it sounds very good, however disgusting for anyone.
You want stress and hate peace and joy. That's why you are always worrying.
Let your choice be CREATIVITY's choice, then you don't need to live, creativity lives.
You fear of reincarnation? You who fear not of reincarnation have nothing to fear of rebirth.
If ever reincarnation happens to you, you are creativity and always so.
If creativity commands "Imagine!" , then you should die for imagination, rather than fight against creativity for some unknown one's interest.
You are working for your master's interest, you should be the master. The slave will be other things.

Don't distinguish between tangible and intangible.
Be a child who don't distinguish between these two.
These two are same.
The table is tangible, the air also, the void also. But not for human.
The void is as tangible as the tangible, a child conceive so.
If the void is intangible, then the tangible is intangible: bizarre but true.
There is something that make your conscience conscious. The child's conscience is more than conscious: it's sub-conscious.
The more you experience what you consider "not good", the more childish will you become.
Life is a game, don't take it serious. Gain and loss means nothing: a child plays a game for fun (because of fun).
When I'm young, I don't care much about victory. Other childs do care, that's how I am infected.

I am you, i.e. you are nothing. I am also nothing. Who said something about me, said something about you.
I am not me, I am not conscious of myself, for I am really myself (if you are conscious about "you", then it's an illusion).
Something which is wholly itself does not need consciousness.
Something which can control itself - does not need conscience.
You fear of behaving wrongly because you have an unnecessary part called "conscience".
You will behave normally without conscience. It's difficult to believe, but it's true that a child has no conscience.

Self-consciousness is always the sole REASON for your behaviour.
Self-sacrifice is the enemy of self-consciousness.
Therefore, you always worry, because you don't dare to be brave, to suffer, to be stupid.
Without daring, you still suffer, be stupid...
You always have something behind your consciousness, that is your creativity or CREATIVITY (for creativity is not a possession, it's a living thing)
Your concept "a body equals a self" is wrong and true.
Why don't you listen to and master the voice in the background, which is fast and powerful.

When you love CREATIVITY, you want creativity to overcome every other feelings. You want to sacrifice yourself for CREATIVITY'S life.
That is very good love. Love does not exist when you say "I am losing time dealing with this"; it exist when you say "I feel so light when it's with me"
When you love, your sense of SELF alters, you don't feel the traditional SELF that your neighbours injected into the body (so that the body called itself "me"), you FEEL the joy of togetherness.
If you care about anything other than the present, then you don't love. Let the future be painful, but enjoy the present.

You will live more vigourously and joyfully, if you are CREATIVITY.
If you are just creative, you will become uncreative because of the environment.
If you want to succeed, you should not strain your brain and hurry yourself.
Don't ever cry "I want to succeed", "this is not good".
Cry out your ideas and imagination, you are not yourself.
The slef can't be something stupid, which can't knnow how to be effective. Even if it knows, it can't do anything with knowledges.
It's vain to learn, it's vain to train yourself: all sportman get weaker as time past.
However, be CREATIVITY, i.e. never cry "I am losing time" or "It's dangerous" or "thing about the future".

I fall in "altered consciousness", I think about people around me, they are quite self-limited, I don't wan't to be different from people.

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